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Nutrition and Exercise Tips for Arthritis Relief

Arthritis is the term used for any disorder that affects our joints.  The main symptoms of arthritis include stiffness and joint pains. People can experience other symptoms such as redness, warmth, and decreased range of motion of the joint affected. We often hear our senior loved ones complaining about joint pains. This can be due to arthritis. 


So, what our senior loved ones can do to get relief from Arthritis pain? Today, in this blog let me focus on some nutrition and exercise tips they can follow for Arthritis relief that can prove more effective than narcotic pain medicines that may have adverse effects and help them feel relaxed and comfortable.

♦   Regular movement of the body for at least 30 minutes will help to strengthen the muscles that support the knees and hips thereby reducing the chance of having arthritis. Walking or swimming is considered a good to prevent arthritis. Encourage your senior loved ones for pleasant morning and evening walks to keep their muscles strong or some relaxing weekly swimming sessions.

♦   Regular gentle stretching of the body is effective for relieving arthritis pain. Your senior loved ones can invest 10-15 minutes daily in gentle body stretching to feel relaxed. Ensure that your senior loved ones maintain healthy body weight as extra pounds can put pressure on the hips and knees which are the weight-bearing joints of our body.

♦   Physiotherapy also helps in relieving arthritis pain. You can avail yourself of physiotherapy services for your beloved senior from the best eldercare services in Kolkata in the comfort of your home. 

♦   It is also essential that your beloved senior suffering from arthritis consume nutritious food such as a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables as a plant-based diet provides antioxidants, well known for reducing inflammation. Besides a plant-based diet ensure your senior loved one consumes Omega- 3 rich fishes such as Salmon, Mackerel, etc.

♦   Ensure your senior loved ones stay hydrated as it will help the joints stay well lubricated aiding smooth movement.

♦   Your beloved seniors should stop eating everything belonging to the nightshade family including white potato, eggplant/ brinjal, tomato, peppers, etc. Reducing the daily sugar and gluten intake and avoiding alcohol can help relieve arthritis pain. 

These are some of the nutrition and exercise tips that your beloved senior suffering from arthritis can follow to relieve the arthritis pain and feel comfortable.