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How Can Senior People De-Stress Themselves At Home

Our beloved senior often feel stressed out due to many reasons such as managing a chronic illness such as diabetes, kidney problems, etc, living alone, financial crisis, etc and the stress take a toll not only on their mental health but on their physical health too.

This blog will focus on how seniors can de-stress themselves at home:-

Heat Therapy:-

Take a towel and soak it in water. Squeeze the extra water( though it should be damp throughout). Then microwave it for 30 seconds until it is steamy, carefully check the temperature of the towel to ensure that it is not too hot, then place it over the back of your senior loved one's neck and then face. Your senior loved ones will feel relaxed due to the soothing heat of the towel. If you are availing caregiver services at home for your senior loved ones from an elder care service provider in Kolkata, then tell the professional caregiver to ensure while giving this therapy that the towel is not extra hot.

♦   A cup of Tea can work wonders:-
Brew a cup of tea for your senior loved ones daily. Research has shown that drinking tea daily can reduce stress hormones and induce feelings of relaxation in the body. So, encourage your beloved seniors to drink a refreshing cup of tea instead of coffee daily to feel relaxed and stress-free.

♦   Encourage your elders to do what they like most:-
If your senior loved ones have a passion for gardening, encourage them. Gardening involves physical activities like digging, planting, watering, etc that are good for your loved one’s health. It will also help in keeping your loved one engaged in an activity and will help him/ her remain close to Nature   Nurturing little plants and seeing them blooming with flowers and fruits will make your senior loved one joyous and stress-free. Help your elders with gardening whenever you get time. This will make them happy. If your senior loved ones are under the care of a professional caregiver, make sure the caregiver accompanies your senior loved ones while they are working in the garden.  They can also take up other hobbies of their liking such as painting, baking, etc.

♦   Journaling:-
If your senior loved ones have a passion to write then encourage them to maintain a journal where they can pour their heart out, their happiness, anger, frustrations everything. This will help them de-stress and feel light.

♦   Water Therapy:-
The sound and feel of the water are therapeutic. Taking a hot and relaxing shower can help your senior loved ones feel refreshed and stress-free. Ensure the caregiver remains alert whenever your senior loved ones go for a shower to reduce the risk of falls and trips.

♦   Aromatherapy:-
Jasmine, Chamomile, and lavender scents are known for relaxing the mind. You can place lavender oil in a diffuser in your senior loved ones' room. The pleasant fragrance will help your senior loved ones feel relaxed. Lighting scented candles during the evening can also make them feel relaxed. 

These are some of the ways by which our senior loved ones can de-stress themselves at home and feel relaxed and refreshed.