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What Seniors Can Do For Better Heart Health?

Heart health should not be taken for granted at any age. But our senior loved ones need to take very good care of their heart as aging increases the risk of falling prey to various cardiovascular diseases that affect the quality of life.

Medical studies have shown that heart health mostly depends upon the health and lifestyle choices we make early in life. But, that doesn’t mean we cannot improve our heart health as we age.  Seniors can also improve their heart health by following a healthy routine.

This blog will focus on what senior people can do to improve their heart health:-

Quit Smoking and Drinking:-

The first step would be abstaining from smoking and drinking. If your senior loved one has a habit of either smoking or drinking, tell him to quit immediately. It is better late than never.

Maintain a healthy Body Weight:-

Being overweight adds risk to your senior loved one’s health. So maintaining proper body weight is very much required.  


Brisk walking is good for your beloved senior’s heart and overall health. Encourage your loved one to go for a refreshing morning or evening walk daily to feel healthy and stress-free. If you are availing of personalized caregiving services from an elder care service provider in Kolkata, then ensure the professional caregiver accompanies your senior loved one to walk to avoid any unfortunate incidents. Moderate exercises can also help. Consult your loved one’s doctor before starting any exercise plan to check whether it would be good or not.

Healthy Diet:-

Your senior loved one needs a balanced diet to remain healthy and active. A diet rich in fresh fruits, green vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products can help in the long run to combat cardiovascular diseases.

Keep a check on your senior loved one’s sodium content:-

As aging progresses, the body becomes more sensitive to salt, high intake of salt causes high blood pressure, so it is necessary to cut down on the daily amount of salt in your diet. A low-salt diet might help lower your senior loved one’s blood pressure, one of the major risk factors for developing cardiovascular diseases. Ensure your beloved seniors avoid food like baked goods, chips, instant noodles, etc. as much as possible as they contain loads of extra added salt. Make sure the professional care executive keeps an eye on your senior loved one's salt intake.

It is never too late to make a positive change in life. Encourage your senior loved one to take care of their heart health so that they can lead a long and healthy life without any worries.