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What is Osteoarthritis and How to Treat it?

Osteoarthritis is a type of degenerative joint disease that is caused by the breakdown of joint cartilage (cartilage is a  tissue that acts as a padding to the bones in joints) and underlying bone. OA is the most common type of arthritis  that our senior loved ones suffer from. It affects the hands, lower back, neck, hips, knees etc of senior people.

Let us have a close look at the symptoms of Osteoarthritis:- 

→  Stiffness and joint pains are the most common symptoms of osteoarthritis , but they are also accompanied by other symptoms such as
→  Decreased Range of motion
→  Joint swelling
→  OA can also cause disability in some cases when the senior loved one’s knees , hips or back are affected largely.

Risk Factors of OA-
→  Old age
→  Obesity
→  Joint Injury 
→  Genetic defect in joint cartilage
→  Excessive pressure on joints from certain works and playing sports

Now, let us focus on how Osteoarthritis is diagnosed in senior loved ones.

OA cannot be diagnosed by a single test. Doctors will use various methods to confirm it such as-
→  MRI
→  X rays
→  Physical exam 
→  Certain blood tests and joint fluid analysis 

How can we treat Osteoarthritis:

OA Treatment’s main goal is to help our senior loved one 
→  Get relief from pain
→  Improve joint function
→  Maintain a healthy body weight and practice healthy lifestyle 

So, doctors often combine treatments to help a patient manage pains and follow a healthy lifestyle.

The treatment plan of Osteoarthritis generally includes-
→  Medications such as Paracetamol (acetaminophen), duloxetine (Cymbalta), Non steroid Anti inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen (advil) ETC

→  Physiotherapy: You can avail physiotherapy services for your senior loved ones from a reputed elder care service in Kolkata in the comfort of your home to help your senior loved one feel relaxed and comfortable. 

→  In extreme cases your senior loved ones may need a surgery to reduce the impact of 0A.

This blog focuses on Osteoarthritis ,its symptoms, risk factors and the treatment options available for senior loved ones who are suffering from Osteoarthritis.