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Dengue Fever- Everything You Need to Know About It

Dengue Fever is a mosquito-borne tropical disease caused by the dengue virus. It is spread by several species of female mosquitoes of the Aedes genus, mainly Aedes aegypt. Today, let us know more about this Dengue Fever and what preventive measures you can take for yourself and your senior loved ones to reduce the risk of falling prey to this dreadful virus.

Symptoms of Dengue Fever:-

→  The most common symptom of Dengue is fever accompanied with:
→  Rashes
→  Nausea  and vomiting
→  Headache 
→  Body aches and pains ( eye pain, muscle, and joint pains)

Recovery usually takes two to seven days, But in some rare cases, it can take the form of a more severe dengue hemorrhagic fever, resulting in low levels of blood platelets, bleeding or dengue shock syndrome, where blood pressure drops drastically to an abnormal level and if not given immediate medical attention, it may prove fatal.

Quickly go to a nearby hospital or nursing home if you or any of your family members experience symptoms such as:-

→  Excessive pain in the stomach
→  Bleeding from the nose or gums 
→  Vomiting blood  or blood in the stool
→  Feeling very much exhausted or extremely irritated

If you are availing caregiver services for your beloved senior, then ensure that the caregiver keeps track of your senior’s health and provides you with daily updates.

Now, let us have a close look at how Dengue Fever is treated:-

There is no particular treatment available for dengue fever. If you or your senior loved ones have a milder version of dengue fever then consume lots of liquids to speed up your recovery process.  Doctors usually prescribe acetaminophen, an over-the-counter drug to help reduce muscle pain and fever. Consult a doctor immediately if you or your beloved seniors show any of these symptoms as mentioned below as you may need hospitalization:

→  Dry mouths or lips
→  Decreased urine
→  Confusion
→  Lethargy

Now, let us focus on some of the preventive measures that we can take to prevent Dengue:-

→  Keep your home and its surroundings clean, don’t let mosquitoes lay eggs in stagnant water, and keep your surroundings dry and free from water logging as much as possible. Throw out unwanted items that can hold water such as broken buckets, flower pots, mugs, etc.
→  Use mosquito repellent cream and mosquito nets at night.
→  Use air conditioning, if possible.
→  Wear long-sleeved shirts, tops, jeans, and socks if possible whenever you go into mosquito-pervaded regions to prevent mosquito bites.

This is what you need to know about dengue fever. Follow preventive measures to reduce the risk of dengue fever. If your senior loved one is suffering from dengue then contact the Best Seniorcare Service Providers in Kolkata to avail of caregiving services.